Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Benjamin Werner is president of the Computer Science Department of Ecole Polytechnique and, as such main responsible for CS teaching in this university.

  • Licence : Benjamin Werner, Ecole Polytechnique, Algorithmique et Programmation, lectures, 45 hours équivalents TDs.

  • Master : Benjamin Werner, MPRI (M2), Fondements des Systèmes de Preuves, Ecole Polytechnique et U. Paris 7, 50 heures équivalents TDs.

  • Master : Assia Mahboubi and Bruno Barras, MPRI (M2), Preuves en Coq, Ecole Polytechnique et U. Paris 7, 50 heures équivalents TDs.

  • Licence : Victor Magron and Chantal Keller, Ecole Polytechnique, Algorithmique et Programmation, TDs, 48 hours équivalents TDs.

  • Master : Chantal Keller, PA Informatique de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Raisonnement mathématique assisté par ordinateur, TDs, 20 hours équivalents TDs.


PhD & HdR :

  • PhD : Cyril Cohen, Formalized algebraic numbers: construction and first-order theory, Ecole Polytechnique, november 20th, Assia Mahboubi and Benjamin Werner.

  • PhD in progress :Chantal Keller, A Matter of Trust New Reflexive Decision Procedures in Coq Using External Tools, since sept. 2009, Benjamin Werner

  • PhD in progress :Victor Magron, Certifiable automatic proofs of real inequalities, since sept. 2009, Benjamin Werner and Stéphane Gaubert.

  • PhD in progress: Alexis Bernadet, since 2010. Supervised by Stéphane Lengrand and Benjamin Werner.